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Continuing Education Hours Reduced in Oklahoma


A new rule has been issued in Oklahoma reducing the number of continuing education hours required for massage therapy license renewal. Massage therapists now are required to complete 10 hours of CE every two years in order to renew a license. Previously, the rules required completion of 16 hours of CE every two years.

CE is acceptable if it has been approved or provided by any of the following: 

(1) A state-licensed or accredited massage therapy school

(2) An accredited institution of higher education

(3) Local, state, or national chapters of professional organizations, including ABMP and the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) (see rule for full list)

(4) A continuing education provider approved by the Advisory Board

Continuing education may be in the form of in-person instruction or distance learning. 

Click here to read the new rule (scroll down to Subchapter 7). Although the rule technically states that five hours of CE is required every year, we have been informed by Board staff that because the renewal cycle remains a two-year cycle, not a one-year cycle, licensees will be required to have completed 10 hours of CE when they renew their license. The 10 hours can be spread over the two years however the licensee chooses.

If you have questions, please contact the Oklahoma Massage Therapy Advisory Board at 405-522-5961.