When it comes to volunteering, massage therapists have many opportunities to raise awareness of the benefits of therapeutic massage as a contribution to the profession. On April 28, the Colorado Coalition of Massage Therapists invites you to volunteer for the annual Massage Therapy Legislative Awareness Day, hosted by Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP) and the American Massage Therapy Association–Colorado Chapter (AMTA–CO).
If you’re interested in providing complimentary chair massage at the Capitol for legislators and their staff, this is an excellent volunteer opportunity to demonstrate a positive image of the profession to lawmakers and show them our vibrant, knowledgeable, and healing-focused community.
ABMP and AMTA–CO are seeking volunteers to provide 10-minute complimentary chair massage to Colorado state legislators from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Monday, April 28.
Note: Volunteers must have completed massage school and have a current Colorado state massage therapy license and liability insurance coverage. Volunteers must bring their own massage chair and supplies.
Date: Monday, April 28
Where: Colorado State Capitol Building, 200 E. Colfax Avenue, Denver
Event time: 8:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. (8:00 a.m. setup, 1:00 p.m. final massage)*
* You can volunteer for all or part of the event. However, please commit to volunteering for at least two hours if your schedule allows.
Sign Me Up!
To volunteer or request more information, please contact Cobi Clark at govtrelations@amtacolorado.com. After you email, you will receive detailed instructions (i.e.: event directions, parking, equipment, and more).
Help us spread the volunteer opportunity and share the info with your industry colleagues!