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Boulder County Requires Masks in Indoor Public Settings


Boulder County Public Health issued Public Health Order 2021-08 September 2, 2021, which requires facial coverings to be worn in public indoor spaces throughout Boulder County, Colorado, during periods of substantial or high transmission of COVID-19 to help slow further spread of the virus.
There are exemptions to this health order (page 10 of the linked document). You do not need to wear a facial covering if:

  1. You cannot medically do so
  2. An individual is receiving a personal or medical service where the temporary removal of a face covering is necessary to perform the service
  3. Your facility requires vaccination of all staff and customers

All businesses must post signs at their entrances instructing patrons of their legal obligation to wear a facial covering regardless of vaccination status. The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment has sample print materials you can use.

The CDC has a COVID-19 Transmission Tracker that provides the most up-to-date data for any specific county or state. You can use this tool to monitor the transmission status for Boulder County to know if/when it is in a substantial or high transmission period and whether you need to wear a facial covering.
