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ACTION ALERT: Alaska Massage Board has Proposed a $660 Licensure Fee - Contact the Board Now to Voice Your Opposition!


On May 1, 2015, the Alaska Massage Board and the Alaska Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing proposed fees for the massage therapy licensing program.

The proposal includes:

  • a nonrefundable application fee for initial license, $200
  • an initial massage license fee for all or part of the initial biennial licensing period, $400
  • a massage therapy biennial license renewal fee, $400
  • a nonrefundable fingerprint processing fee, $60

 Under this proposal it would cost each massage therapist $660 to obtain their Alaska massage license. This license fee amount would, by far, be the most expensive in the country and is more than most massage therapists can afford to pay. For example, Idaho, which recently implemented its new licensing law, has an application fee of $50 and a license fee of $75, making it $125. Annual renewal in Idaho is $75. Most states charge less than $200 for a biennial license.  Alaska's proposed fee is completely out of line with the license fees in every other state.

We encourage you to send written comments in opposition to the fee proposal.  Let the Board and Division know that this fee amount is unreasonable and that the proposed rule should not be approved.  They must hear directly from as many members of the massage profession in Alaska as possible. The timing is critical so send your comments as soon as possible.

The deadline for comments is June 1, 2015 at 4:30 pm.

 All comments must be sent to the division's regulations specialist, Jun Maiquis, in writing before the public comment period closes at 4:30 on June 1.  Please email your comments to Mr. Maiquis at:

Click here to read the proposed fee rule.

 We also encourage you to read the minutes from the two board meetings that have been held so you have an idea of the other rules coming soon. The minutes are posted on the board's website.   ABMP will have comments and we will help keep you informed. 
