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How Many Massage Therapists Are There in the US?

Illustration of diverse hands raised with a heart on each palm

Every few years ABMP undertakes a process to query state massage therapy boards in order to prepare a massage therapist population estimate. Our 2019 effort puts the number of massage therapists in the United States at approximately 334,219, a 1.6 percent growth rate from 2016’s estimate of 328,799.

Can"Mary"Help Your Practice?

“Mary” is female, in her 40s, has a master’s degree, and she and her spouse make more than $75,000 annually combined. Chances are Mary is a bodywork client. 

MINDBODY Wellness Index Report for ABMP Members

Which US city has the strongest wellness market? How can wellness businesses better help consumers lead healthier lives? The MINDBODY Wellness Index answers these questions and more.

Dance Steps to Put Your Body Mechanics in Motion

Without effective body mechanics, an otherwise promising career is destined to be cut short in spite of a desire to continue. While there are many principles to performing a massage with excellent body mechanics, a component often inconsistently applied is continuous, full-body motion—especially in local, focused work.  

Uncricking the Neck with The Massage Sloth Ian Harvey

When you’re dealing with neck pain sufferers, try asking this question: Do you ever wake up with a crick in the neck? The feeling that you can’t quite turn your head because you slept wrong? I think you’ll find this problem is fairly widespread, especially with clients who have other neck and posture-related complaints.

EveryBody Deserves a Massage Week 2019 is July 14 - 20

Since 1995, ABMP members have given their time, money, and effort to help others, while also promoting themselves and raising awareness of the benefits of massage, bodywork, and somatic therapies. This year, the ABMP community will celebrate EveryBody deserves a massage week July 14–20, 2019.

How to Influence Lawmaking

Influencing the lawmaking process can be exciting and rewarding and is most effective when the communication is brief, honest, and supported with facts and personal experience.

A Lawmaking Primer for MTs and Bodyworkers

You may be thinking: I’m getting messages from ABMP about bills being considered by lawmakers, but that government class from years ago is foggy in my head; I need a refresher. You are not alone!