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Remembering Our Veterans


Veterans Day is a time to say thank you.

Thank you for your unselfish service.

Thank you for the sacrifices you’ve made while wearing that uniform.

Thank you for stepping up to do a job only a tiny percent of our country’s population ever considers doing.

And thank you for protecting our freedoms.

Saturday, November 11, is Veterans Day—a time to honor all those who serve, or have served.

What can you do to say thank you?

Start by reading how massage and bodywork can impact a veteran’s life:

“Wounded Warriors Find Relief With Massage”

“Reiki and PTSD: Easing the Burdens of War”

“Bringing Them Home: Can Craniosacral Therapy Help Veterans Reintegrate”

“Mission Possible: How Can You Reach Out to Veterans?”

“Post-9/11 Veterans and Their Partners Improve Mental Health Outcomes with a Self-Directed Mobile and Web-Based Wellness Training Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial”

“Thank a Veteran Today ... and Every Day”

There are so many ways you can reach out to this community.

Find what feels right, what feels authentic.

Then, simply say, thank you!
