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Massage Therapists Can Kick off Holiday Sales with Small Business Saturday


Small Business Saturday is November 26.

Whether you work as a sole practitioner out of your home, rent space in a clinic, or employ others in a storefront setting, you are a small business. Celebrate that fact during Small Business Saturday on November 26 and remind your clients that purchasing a gift certificate from you is one of the most thoughtful gifts they could give to loved ones this holiday season.

You can use Small Business Saturday to kick off your holiday promotions, advertise your seasonal package discounts, and push your gift card sales. Find ways to create buzz around the November 26 event and drive traffic to either your online gift certificate purchases or “in-store” shopping experience.

Partner with other small businesses to create cross-promotion and be sure to share news about the event with all your contacts—friends, family, and, of course, everyone on your client list. Remind clients that Small Business Saturday is a day to celebrate and support small businesses of all kinds . . . including their favorite massage therapist!

Launched by American Express in 2010, Small Business Saturday was designed to promote local neighborhood merchants and solo entrepreneurs like you. This event reminds consumers about the value of small businesses and how spending money at local establishments helps keep neighborhood communities healthy and thriving. In fact, experts say 67 cents of every dollar spent in a small business stays in the same community as that business.

Everything you need to start promoting Small Business Saturday is here. Resources include free marketing materials, downloadable signage, social media posts, and more.

Need more business-building and marketing resources? ABMP members have a variety of tools to choose from in the ABMP Marketing Center

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