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Manifesting Vision Part 1: The Power of Conscious Collaboration


Whatever is we do with our time—giving a massage, working another part-time job, volunteering in your community, or running a household—we deplete our giving selves. And the challenges we could easily overcome start to become mountains we can no longer climb. Let’s face it, it can be a challenge to stay inspired in your practice. It’s in this space when there is a knowing that it is time to stop and recharge, reexamine, and revitalize. You can’t do your best work if you don’t have the fuel to keep going.

For me, the opportunity to gain new inspiration was at the Green Spa Network (GSN) Congress held at Devil’s Thumb Ranch in Tabernash, Colorado, September 25–28. For nearly a decade, the GSN has facilitated an environment where like-minded people—with a vision to create powerful, healing change in the world while making a living—come together and empower each other to share research, best practices, and implement meaningful actions. Since its inception, the GSN has grown to include more than 1,000 members, representing all facets of the spa industry. What better place to be than in a setting intended for healing, growth, and vision?

This year’s theme had two purposes: manifesting vision and conscious collaboration. In the work we do, no matter what that is, if we don’t know where we’re going, it’s going to be difficult to get there. And if we’re going to effect positive change along the way, we need to have a clear vision of what that will look like and identify the pathway to get there. As with any journey, we can expect challenges, so it is as equally important to understand and embrace our differences and creatively work together to maximize each individual’s potential.

The themes from this conference I will highlight in this blog series include:

• "Enlightened Negotiation" and the noble laws we can put to use as we communicate with our superiors, peers, and clients.

• "Women in Leadership" and a conversation about successful women having confidence and a plan for success—seeing women as game changers.

• "The Genius of Opposites" and understanding how introverts and extroverts can create dynamic and supportive relationships.

• "The Green Team Project"—an exercise in assembling a team to implement innovative programs and business solutions.

• "Ayurveda and Personal Vitality"—an understanding of how lymph congestion can affect our overall well-being.

As you think about what manifesting vision and conscious collaboration means to you, I encourage you to identify and embrace your individual assets and then consider how you might creatively implement those wonderful skills into the world of business. Don’t apologize for being different or feel that it is shameful to profit. Real change never happened from being ordinary, and money is simply an exchange of energy for your good work. How will you manifest and execute your vision? Take this time to revitalize, and then go do. Find your place to recharge and gain new inspiration.

If you want to learn more about the Green Spa Network movement and its partners, I encourage you to check out their website at

Read part 2 of this blog series here.

—Angie Parris-Raney is director of affinity relations for Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals. 
