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Improve Patient Outcomes with Structural Elements


Massage therapist with Structural Elements logo

Jevin Boardman, licensed massage therapist.

The following blog post is sponsored by (se)®.

How has (se)® changed your client treatments?

As a massage therapist, I am driven to maximize what I can accomplish with my treatments. Most of the orthopedic massage modalities I learned prior to joining (se) gave me a good foundation to clinically assess and reason through a client’s presenting symptoms . . . however, it became apparent there are limits to what a massage therapist can achieve when looking at the body in discrete units. Learning the (se) protocol—from the standing and therapeutic assessment to the tissue mapping system—forced me to start looking at the body as a whole, connected, dynamic unit.

When a massage therapist treats the source and not the symptom, the treatment encourages a body to hold itself and move with more efficiency, ultimately easing the stress on the body. By learning how joints stack in posture and interact in action, a therapist is better equipped to uncover why certain areas need attention.



What has been the most profound difference in what you see with your clients?

The most profound difference is treatment efficiency for maximum results through therapeutic assessment. By looking at the patterns that the (se) modality maps, a massage therapist can maximize the hands-on portion of the session to make the most of their time. By working the focal adhesion pattern throughout the client’s body, a massage therapist working toward results with one presenting symptom ultimately makes the entire body more efficient.

After one or two treatments, a client of mine who originally visited me for low-back attention will come in and admit the treatments helped make their shoulder feel better when combing their hair. With a goal of making the entire body more efficient (focusing on posture and biomechanics), I found that results are more consistent and last longer.  

What advice would you give a massage therapist interested in learning more about (se)?

Definitely check out our website. Also follow us on social media to see what is happening in our clinics and in (se) Connect, our education platform. There are many ways to get involved, from learning the method to working in a clinic and even owning your own clinic. Sign up for a free 30-day trial at Use the code ABMP to learn more about the (se)® method.
