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ICYMI—Massage & Bodywork Issue Features Fibromyalgia, Protecting Your Livelihood, and Making Ethical Choices Online


Fibromyalgia in M&B

The November/December issue of Massage & Bodywork magazine was full of great content applicable to all massage therapists and bodyworkers. In case you missed it, here are a few highlights:

Fibromyalgia and Managing the MTs Therapeutic Expectations

If you work with clients who have fibromyalgia, then you understand the special challenges you face with this group. For clients who often feel trivialized by the medical community, some of your best work comes with listening, having realistic expectations for them, and recognizing that massage is not going to “fix, solve, or cure” their condition, but will help them experience their body in a safe, comforting way.

Read:Working with Invisible Pain: The Sustainable Practice MTs Can Use to Help Clients with Fibromyalgia” by Ruth Werner and watch her accompanying video

Listen: The ABMP Podcast, Episode 291 “Working with Invisible Pain” with Ruth Werner and Angie Parris-Raney discuss how to reset expectations when working with the client with fibromyalgia and how to honor “the human experience”

Protect Your Livelihood

Understanding disability insurance is important when your income is dependent on your body. This easy read explains the kinds of disability insurance out there, as well as the pros and cons of each.

Read:Protecting Your Livelihood: The Importance of Disability Insurance” by Allissa Haines and Michael Reynolds

Refrain From Diagnosing—In the Massage Room and on Social Media

Author Laura Allen outlines the frustrations she feels watching MTs showing irresponsible behavior as they confidently diagnose a stranger’s problems on social media—and sometimes in the treatment room too. She offers a good reminder why this is reckless behavior.

Read:Diagnosing and Bias: Stop the Insanity” by Laura Allen 
