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On-the-Go MBLEx Study Strategies


ABMP Exam Coach lets you study wherever you are. It travels with you on your smartphone, tablet, and computer. Five- or 10-minute study sessions while you are on the go can dramatically improve your content knowledge and passing score on the MBLEx. Try some of these great, on-the-go study methods using ABMP Exam Coach:

Going to the Gym: Exercise reduces stress and improves your mental clarity. Review flash cards with ABMP Exam Coach while you’re on a treadmill, elliptical, or stair-stepper.

Waiting for a Bus: Where is that bus? No matter. You’ve got your phone and you’re using the 10 minutes of wait time to take an ABMP Exam Coach quiz.

Taking a Work Break: Whew! Finally, you can get off your feet for a moment and enjoy a cup of coffee. Why not take out your phone and review 10 flash cards at the same time?

• Waiting for a Friend: You’re at a movie theater or restaurant waiting for your friend or partner to show up. Take out your phone and take a quick quiz until they arrive.

Waiting for the Kids: Are you parked outside the school waiting for your kids? Take a moment to review five terms before the school bell rings.

Waiting for a Show to Start: You’re settled on your couch and waiting for your favorite TV show to start. Mute the sound, pick up your phone, and run through a few flash cards while you wait.

 Get in the habit of pulling up ABMP Exam Coach any time you have 5 minutes. These small, on-the-go study sessions can make a big difference in your MBLEx passing score.

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