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Feel Your Heart: A Thanksgiving Gift


I admit I’m a sucker for babies, puppies, and kittens.

Social media marketers know my Achilles heel to be sure!

I typically don’t ask others to indulge in these moments of manic cuteness, but when this feel-good story came across the news feeds a few weeks ago, I knew it was worth sharing with our massage and bodywork community.

You may have already seen it. This video shows an infant, born with profound deafness, being newly fitted with a hearing aid and then hearing her mother’s voice for the first time. I find it remarkable.

It depicts connection in the most beautiful of ways.

I can’t help but well up with emotion when I watch it. Every time.

Connection is what you do and what you strive for in every session with your clients. And while the connection we see when this baby hears her mama for the first time is profound, it comes from the same heart place from which you connect with your clients.

It’s important to check in with that part of ourselves, those heart emotions, now and again to remember their power. And to be thankful for that authentic place that lives within us.

I hope you find something heart-filling here as I have.

To read more about baby Charlotte’s story, go to

—Karrie Osborn is senior editor for Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
