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The Face Cradle Hammock


Massage therapist demonstrating how to make a "face cradle hammock" for massage

We know that lying prone on the massage table with a face mask on may not be the most comfortable of client experiences. In ABMP’s Back to Practice Guide released in April, we suggested creating a “face cradle hammock” for those clients who could not wear a mask while prone. Configured with large or extra-large pillowcases, the premise was to create an aerosol-catching “bubble” that would allow the client to remove their mask for this portion of the session, letting them breathe more freely while face-down, but still confining any droplets they might release while in this position. We’ve heard from a few members about their own attempts at creating this hammock, or what one described as a “face cradle mask,” and there has been a lot of creativity in maneuvering the pillowcases to best do their job. We think our friends at Healwell have put together the best face cradle hammock protocol we’ve seen yet. Check out their demonstration video here. Remember: defer to your local, state, and/or massage regulatory agency guidelines, as some states will not let massage or bodywork clients remove their face coverings during any portion of the service.

