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Editor's Picks: Favorite Massage & Bodywork Articles from 2023


 Massage & Bodywork Articles from 2023.

As 2023 comes to a close, the Massage & Bodywork magazine editorial team wanted to highlight some of their favorite articles of the year. Here’s a look at their picks.

Editorial team's top picks

"Uncovering Skin Cancer”

By Ruth Werner 

Ruth Werner’s “Uncovering Skin Cancer” package in the March/April 2023 issue topped the list of our editor’s favorites this year.

“Like so many of Ruth’s articles, this is an important piece for all therapists to read. From the meticulously vetted images and resources to the accompanying video and partner column (“Skin Cancer and Skin of Color”), Ruth has put together a seminal piece with critical information for practitioners who work with clients.”

—Karrie Osborn, senior editor

“Around the time we were editing this piece for Massage & Bodywork, I had a bit of a skin cancer scare myself. I’ve always had a mole on my back, but in the first months of 2023, I realized it felt different. I got it checked out by a dermatologist who tested it and confirmed it’s nothing to worry about. I couldn’t help but wonder what could have been if, during a session, my MT pointed out something. This article goes into just that. Filled with imagery and resources, this article is a guidebook to help empower you and your clients with proper information.”

—Jen Anderson, contributing editor

“How to Better Serve Your Neurodivergent Clients”

By Chelle Doetsch 

Coming in a close second for “top of the charts” in 2023 was this article from new author Chelle Doetsch.

“It really applies to most of my picks, but trying to broaden awareness about different groups in order to make everyone feel seen and heard is a large part of why this particular piece resonated with me.”

—Erica Buehler, associate editor

“There are so many undiagnosed and self-diagnosed neurodivergent people. This article explores how best to serve their needs—helping not only the client, but also the massage therapist and their business.”

—Scott Kaniewski, editor, online and digital strategy

“What’s Wrong with Origin/Insertion and Joint Action Terminology?”

By Dr. Joe Muscolino

“Joe’s article is fascinating because he challenges the very fabric of what all practitioners and students learned in massage school.”

—Darren Buford, Massage & Bodywork editor-in-chief

“Movement and the Client: Creating Space for What Matters”

By Lauri Nemetz 

“When I’m not busy editing, I spend my free time teaching dance to young children and teenagers. Dance, particularly ballet, is a passion I’ve had from a young age, and it’s made me extremely aware of how deeply connected movement is to our bodies. I love how Nemetz took this concept and broke it down for MTs, so you can better serve your clients. It’s all about finding that delicate ‘dance’ in the treatment room.”

—Jen Anderson, contributing editor

Anatomy for Touch

Columns by Rachelle Clauson and Nicole Trombley 

“I’m a little obsessed with fascia. That’s one reason I was so excited when columnists Rachelle Clauson and Nicole Trombley joined forces with us in 2023. And that’s why I’m choosing the Anatomy for Touch column in its entirety for one of my favorite picks this year. These authors do an outstanding job of taking anatomy to a whole new level. Their dissection photos are fascia artistry, and we’re so glad to have these authors back with us in 2024! ‘Skin Ligaments’ in the Jan/Feb issue was enlightening!” 

—Karrie Osborn, senior editor

“Shutting Down Stigma: Reduce Fat Bias in the Treatment Room”

By Cal Cates 

“I always look forward to reading Cal Cates’s column in Massage & Bodywork. They have such a wonderful way with words, and I love the topics they tackle—this one about fat bias in massage therapy is a favorite. We all have biases, whether we want to admit it or not, and it’s so important to acknowledge our biases and arm ourselves with the information we need to stop, listen, and learn.”

—Jen Anderson, contributing editor

“Letting Go Is All We Have to Hold on To”

By Til Luchau 

“This is a beautiful piece of writing from Til; it is vulnerable, and simultaneously touches our own vulnerabilities. It’s a piece that makes you stop and think, and in the next moment, want to hug a loved one.”

—Karrie Osborn, senior editor

Other Favorites

“Helping Clients With Complex Conditions: Why Get a ‘Doctor’s Note’ Isn’t Good Enough, and What is Better” by Ruth Werner

“How Bodywork Can Impact Client Vision” by Marybetts Sinclair 

• “Exploring Neurodynamics in Your Massage Practice” by Erik Dalton 

• “When All is Forgotten: An Inside Look at Delivering Manual Therapy to Clients with Alzheimer’s Disease or Dementia” by Karrie Osborn 

“The Attention Button: A Deterrent for Sexual Misconduct in the Treatment Room” by Ben Benjamin 

“Mindful Movement Moments: Practicing Healthy Movement While Tending to Others” by Heath and Nicole Reed 
