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Client Education Equals Full Schedules


Massage education magazine Body Sense covers.

How important is client education?

Consumer surveys tell us that massage and bodywork clients don’t always understand the lasting benefits of the work they receive from you. But when it’s explained to them, in their terms, repeatedly, the value of your work takes on a whole new importance.

This was a primary reason that Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP) created Body Sense magazine—a free, digital consumer education publication that keeps talking to your clients long after they’ve left your treatment room. Published quarterly by the editorial team at ABMP, Body Sense is a tool that lets you continue to educate your clients about the importance of therapeutic massage and bodywork during the downtime between their appointments.

From articles on massage and bodywork treatments to tips for healthy living, this consumer-education tool will remind clients why they come to see you and inspire them to book another appointment. It also teaches that professional massage therapy and bodywork are integral facets of healthy living, and are not just indulgences. For the first-time client and/or gift certificate recipient, this is especially important for them to hear.

All with the click of a button, Body Sense helps you reinforce the valuable benefits of the work you do.

In This Issue

The Summer 2021 issue of Body Sense encourages clients to look at breath as a healing tool, offers a basic explanation of lymphatic massage and its benefits, and walks clients through a post-pandemic return to your table. A healthy recipe and a quick look at the benefits of massage on dementia symptoms round out this issue.

How Can You Share Body Sense With Clients?

It’s easy to do.

  • Create a short email message and share a link to the entire Body Sense archive or the most recent issue:
  • Use social media to share the magazine link, or find a specific article to direct clients to. Be sure to tag ABMP so we can interact with your post.

For more about Body Sense magazine, visit

Or look through our digital archive at

Related content:

"Massage and its Benefits" by Ruth Werner
