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Be Inspired—What is Your Favorite Thing About Being a Massage Therapist?


Why MTs love doing what they do.

On ABMP’s social platforms, we recently asked, “What is your favorite thing about being a massage therapist?” We were flooded with answers that were both thoughtful and inspiring. The responses were too good not to share, so we compiled many of them here to further inspire others. We hope you enjoy, and you can read more and follow ABMP on Instagram or Facebook!

“Human touch. Good for client; good for me.”

            —Cynthia Antoinette Seltner

“I love that moment when a muscle finally releases, and the client physically sighs with their whole body.”

            —Timothie Burgess

“The opportunity to use my gift of touch to transform the lives of many.”

            —John Davis

“I always think of being a massage therapist as making the world happier. I make someone happy and in turn they are nicer to others, and it keeps going on down the line. That’s what I love about being a massage therapist. I’m making the world a better place.”

            —Jaime Felmer Smith

“I love the lucrative and flexible aspects of my job, just as much as I love to offer pain and stress relief to my clients. I love what I do and being passionate about helping people isn’t something you can fake for long, but I couldn’t do this for a living if I wasn’t making one.”

            —Organic Kneads Massage Therapy

“Touching lives.”

            —Connie Danko

“I love it when clients get off my table and have the look of heaven on their faces. They are so amazed at how much mobility they have regained—relieved of their aches and pains, and overall are relaxed and refreshed, so much so that it brings some clients to tears. The joys of knowing that I’ve made a difference in someone’s life with my passion for what I do, makes my ‘why’ totally worth it.”

            —Adroit Hands by Toya LLC

“The relationships and community created within/by what I do.”

            —Kimberly Hovi

“So many things. I love figuring things out to help people. I love that I have worked on 4–5 generations of one family . . . from births to deaths.”



            —Charlotte Cooke

“I love how wonderful, relaxed, and happy I feel after I have given what I call a successful massage—one that leaves my client feeling like they are walking on air without a care in the world.”

            —Hazel J. Horsnell

“That I can never be bored at my job! Everyone and every body is different, each and every time they come in to see me. I get excited to play with the puzzle that is before me . . . to meet the needs/goals of my patient/client before me. I’ve been doing this amazing profession now for 40 years and still feel the same way each and every day. And that opportunity provides a chance to improve the quality of life for a person. Wow! How many professions get to have that kind of impact on people? And I get to do that every day! I am blessed!”

            —Michael Roberson

“Being able to actually make a difference for someone.”

            —Alexis Cooper Massage Therapy

“I enjoy the intentional communication I share with my clients’ nervous systems through touch. Helping facilitate positive change in the lives of those I serve is what I do!”

            —Namaste Integrative Wellness

“It’s my superpower.”

            —Michele’s Massage Studio

“The improvement in quality of life that I get to have a hand in!”

            —Lucy Fay Pinkerman

“Helping resolve people’s pain! There’s not much I don’t enjoy about being an LMT.”

            —New Day Massage

“Helping people manage their pain and providing a judgement-free space so they can truly relax for a while.”

            —Emily Weare

“My clients’ smiles, deep satisfied sighs, and gratitude post-massage. It’s a great feeling to help people feel better.”


“The ability to help people feel safe in their own bodies.”


“The ability to feel the muscle change in my hands. That butter-like feeling.”


“Empowering others to know, love, and trust their bodies!”


“Creating a safe space for my clients that allows them to truly heal and be pain-free.”


“I enjoy the intentional communication I share with my clients’ nervous systems through touch. Helping facilitate positive change in the lives of those I serve is what I do!”


“The ability to provide aid accessibly and the instant gratification of knowing that you have made a positive enhancement in the health and well-being of your clients.”


“I get to make people feel good every day.”
