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January's Top 5 ABMP Webinars


ABMP members, we have compiled January’s top 5 webinars so that you can learn popular subject matter at your convenience! These videos provide hands-on massage techniques that you can immediately apply to your practice. Watch the webinars on demand in the ABMP Education Center, then take a short quiz to earn free CE hours.

Our most popular webinars from last month are as follows:

"Ethics: Preventing Sexual Misconduct in Massage Therapy" with Ben Benjamin: This ethics course addresses the critical topic of sexual misconduct in massage therapy. Viewers will learn the definition and history of sexual abuse, how to maintain sexual boundaries in draping and quality of touch, and the warning signs of predator therapists. Ethical guidelines for schools, spas, clinic owners, therapists, and clients are given to prevent sexual, physical, and emotional harm in massage therapy. Use this webinar as your guide to create a safe and ethical practice.

"Maintaining Sexual Ethics: Part 1-Key Concepts" with Anne Williams: Every person in massage workplace or school environments must maintain the highest sexual ethics. This webinar aims to provide clarity on key terms and concepts related to sexual innuendo, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual abuse, and sexual exploitation. This content is for all massage profession stakeholders, including massage practitioners, clinic owners, managers, and staff, as well as massage school administrators, faculty, and students. With a common, informed language, the massage profession can hold honest, meaningful discussions about how to protect clients and each other from unwanted, inappropriate, or violent sexual behaviors.

"Fibromyalgia: The Invisible Disease" with Ruth Werner: Fibromyalgia syndrome is the second-most commonly diagnosed musculoskeletal disorder in the United States—only osteoarthritis is diagnosed more often. Yet, little is well understood about this common condition—including that it turns out NOT to be a musculoskeletal disorder. This course will examine current thinking about the etiology of fibromyalgia and implications for the safe and effective practice of massage therapy for our clients who live with this challenging condition. 

Ayurvedic Holistic Philosophy and Chakra System” with Marc Zollicoffer: Ayurveda is an ancient Indian healing tradition that has been practiced for more than five thousand years and continues to influence the world today. This course explores Ayurveda’s holistic framework and foundational concepts to help you understand the complex nature of health and wellness. In addition, this course introduces you to the basics of the chakra system and concludes with a guided meditation. These ayurvedic concepts will help bring a holistic perspective to your practice.  

"Foot Reflexology 1 & 2: Benefits, Philosophy, and the 34 Points" with Marc Zollicoffer: Our feet hold great healing power—a secret that ancient civilizations have known and practiced for centuries. This dynamic webinar introduces you to the benefits and philosophy of foot reflexology and highlights how the modality works with both the physical and energetic bodies. Review the anatomy of the foot—including the fascia, bony landmarks, and muscles—before following along on your own feet as the instructor teaches each of the 34 foot reflexology points in order, covering the physical location of, and technique used on, each point.
