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Have Your Websites Reviewed by the Pros at Massage Business Blueprint


Massage Business Blueprint (MBB) is looking for websites to review in the new CE course they’re creating for ABMP!

For all the fantastic DIY tools available to small business owners, it feels like building a truly useful website is 10% specialized technical knowledge and 90% sorcery. And no one gave you a book of spells. 

It’s a challenge to learn what all the relevant acronyms mean (CTA? SEO? REO Speedwagon?) and what should be in a website to attract exactly the right kind of clients for you. 

If you’ve ever wondered, “Is there something missing from my website costing me potential clients?” Or “Why do I keep getting clients who aren’t right for me?” you are not alone. 

Allissa and Michael of Massage Business Blueprint can help you understand the basics of a website that works. Even better, they’ll choose a few of YOUR websites to review. They’ll share what’s looking great, point out what can be improved, and provide clear advice on how to improve it. 

This is a great chance to have your website reviewed by the pros, so you can fill your schedule with exactly the right clients for you.

Complete this form to enter your website for consideration to be one of the websites that MBB reviews in their upcoming CE course! 
