2020 ABMP CE Summit: Connection. Education. Inspiration.
Connect with your massage community and leaders in the profession online at the 2020 ABMP CE Summit: Connection. Education. Inspiration! This virtual education experience addresses a wide variety of topics to share timely and valuable information to enrich your practice and life. Don’t miss this opportunity to interact with the presenters live online, learn tools to help navigate this unique time, and connect virtually with your massage and bodywork community. This event—including 9 hours of CE—is free for everyone in the profession at www.abmp.com/summit! One free event registration gives you access to all of the presentations.
The full schedule is available below, and here we are highlighting the Wednesday, October 21 "A Detailed Approach to General Neck Pain" with Allison Denney. The neck is home to a lot of moving parts and a host of frustrating dysfunctions, but perhaps the most frustrating of all is the general neck pain that accompanies the stressors of life. The most common complaint from clients is the neck pain that seems to have an elusive onset and no resolve. Join Allison Denney for this fun-filled course including muscles painted on the client’s body, Denney's favorite neck techniques, and approaches that work to alleviate clients’ pain.
Allison Denney

Allison Denney has been a practicing massage therapist for 20 years. In addition to cultivating a flourishing private practice, she has established herself as an integral part of the massage community through her years as a teacher, her popular YouTube channel, and her launch of the Rebel Massage organic, professional-grade Deep Tissue Body Butters. Her passion for client care and fascination with anatomy continues to drive her to never stop growing. Learn more at www.rebelmassage.com.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
10:00 a.m. MT: Keynote Presentation "Surviving Together: A Conversation with Massage Therapists" with ABMP President Les Sweeney
10:30 a.m. MT: “Addressing Health Disparities in Communities of Color with Wellness Approaches” with Dr. Nicola Finley (1 CE hour)
11:45 a.m. MT: ABMP Video Podcast Episode with Anne Williams of Massage Mastery Online (Aromatherapy)
12:00 p.m. MT: ABMP Video Podcast Episode with Angie Parris-Raney (Healing Through the Senses)
12:30 p.m. MT: “Plantar Foot Pain” with Whitney Lowe and Til Luchau (1 CE hour)
1:30 p.m. MT: Community Connection: Live Recap
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
10:00 a.m. MT: “Presence, Boundaries, and Emotional Resiliency” with Healwell’s Cal Cates and Kerry Jordan (1 CE hour)
11:15 a.m. MT: “A Detailed Approach to General Neck Pain” with Allison Denney (1 CE hour)
12:30 p.m. MT: ABMP Video Podcast Episode with Allissa Haines and Michael Reynolds of Massage Business Blueprint (Financially Surviving COVID-19)
1:00 p.m. MT: “Touching Trauma” with Chris Smith and Cindy Williams (1 CE hour)
2:00 p.m. MT: Community Connection: Live Recap
Thursday, October 22, 2020
9:30 a.m. MT: “Balancing the Shoulder: Practical Clinic” with Tom Myers (1.5 CE hours)
11:15 a.m. MT: “Connection and Courage in Times of Uncertainty” with Amy Andrews McMaster (1 CE hour)
12:30 p.m. MT: “A Massage Therapist’s Guide to COVID-19” with Ruth Werner (1.5 CE hours)
2:00 p.m. MT: Community Connection: Live Recap
All times listed are for the mountain time zone. Not sure what time zone you’re in? Check your time zone here!