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ABMP Exam Coach: New Year, New Features!


Your study experience is about to get more efficient with a faster version of ABMP Exam Coach, improved MBLEx quiz/exam results that include correct answers, and more detailed tracking to help you monitor your progress!

If you already have ABMP Exam Coach, you might see a short delay after the updates are made.

If you don't have ABMP Exam Coach, you can learn more about the best MBLEx test prep program in the profession at

Here is an overview of the exciting new changes:

Correct Answers Now Viewable

Example: Quiz Summary with Correct Answers

ABMP Exam Coach quiz summary page showing correct answers to quiz questions about Hygiene and Sanitation.


Example: Practice MBLEx Exam Summary with Correct Answers

ABMP Exam Coach quiz summary page showing correct answers to quiz questions about the Skeletal System.

Enhanced Progress Tracking

Example: Flash cards with Progress Count

ABMP Exam Coach flashcard about massage lubricant highlighting progress count feature.

Example: Enhanced "My Activity" View

  • Bring back hidden flashcards and quiz questions
  • Last reviewed date for each topic
  • Quickly see topic quizzes taken and the number passed

ABMP Exam Coach's enhanced

Example: Enhanced Search Feature

  • Search results are divided into 2 categories: Flash cards and Terminology
  • Easily research flash card questions and terminology to better understand incorrect answers
  • Use the topic link to study a topic area further and review pronunciation

ABMP Exam Coach's Enhanced Search feature showing how you can find specific terms on the platform.

ABMP Exam Coach flashcard result for plantar fasciitis from an enhanced search query.

ABMP Exam Coach terminology result for plantar fasciitis from an enhanced search query.

We hope you enjoy these new features of ABMP Exam Coach!
