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Ruth Werner

COVID-19's Delta Variant Means Business

Digital illustration of COVID virus molecule labeled "Delta Variant"

The Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus has some new habits that demand our attention. It has a faster replication rate, a shorter incubation period, and greater viral shedding than the other variants.

What the CDC's New Mask Recommendations Mean for Massage Therapists

Young man raising a surgical mask to his face

Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued some new guidance about mask usage among vaccinated people. In short, they said take ’em off—inside and outside, 6 feet apart and closer. But you may be wondering, what does this mean about masks in my session room?

COVID-19 Variant Updates for the United States

COVID-19 vaccines arrayed in rows of small glass vials

With some evolutionary descendants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus being reported in the US, Ruth Werner gives an update on these COVID-19 variants and what we can do to address them.

COVID-19 Hygiene Updates - A List of Suggestions

Cleaning a surface with a spray bottle and towel

In light of continually evolving information on COVID-19, are the heightened precautions massage therapists undertook over the past year still necessary, or are some of them overkill? Pathology expert Ruth Werner gives us her thoughts.

COVID-19 Vaccines - What to Know About the Options

Coronavirus vaccines in glass vials

Ruth Werner, pathology expert and author of A Massage Therapist's Guide to Pathology, gives us a compilation of up-to-date information on COVID-19 vaccines, including available options, the technology used in each, and other important topics.

COVID-Related Coagulopathy, Take 3: A Conversation with a Hematologist

Illustration of red blood cells clotting together inside the human body

Pathology educator and author Ruth Werner recently had a conversation with Yaser Diab, MD, a hematologist working at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, DC, about abnormal coagulation associated with COVID-19 and how massage therapy might fit in the context of COVID-19 survivors and coagulopathy. Read the notes from their conversation here.

Questions for Clients Who Have Had COVID-19

A medical face mask on a calender with the words "Quarantine over?" written on the calendar

Someday—maybe soon (whatever that means, in this time-distorted world)—we are all going to have to figure out the dos and don’ts of working with people who have had COVID-19.

COVID-19-Related Coagulopathy

A microscopic view of red blood cells and platelets

Picture this: A person infected with SARS-CoV-2 is making blood clots. Gazillions of them. All over their body. Some are tiny, blocking the capillary supply to the skin and organs. Others are big enough to cause heart attacks, strokes, and pulmonary embolism.

COVID-19: What We Understand Now

World map with data points plotted in red to show the spread of COVID-19

I am a pathology educator, and it is my job to keep current with available information about pathologies, as it applies for massage therapists. This has been particularly challenging of late, because as we know, our understanding about COVID-19 changes hourly.