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Zone School of Healing Now Offering Online Training Courses


The Zone Technique, developed by Peter Goldman, DC, and featured in the March/April 2015 issue of Massage & Bodywork magazine, is a system of bodywork based on the concept that aches, pains, diseases, and other discomforts in the body are the result of disturbances in one or more of six zones within the body. According to Goldman, each zone has a corresponding brain center and point along the spine, and treating these points through palpation or other means of stimulation addresses these disturbances, resulting in alleviation of the discomfort.

Goldman recently announced the creation of an online training course for bodyworkers to learn the Zone Technique. Called the Zone School of Healing, the course includes six lessons, upon completion of which the therapist will earn certification in the Zone Technique and be listed in the school’s directory of Zone Certified Practitioners.

The Zone School of Healing also offers a free introductory course for bodyworkers to decide whether the technique is right for them. The free introductory course can be found at

To enroll in the online Zone School of Healing course, visit

For more information on the Zone Technique, read the article in Massage & Bodywork or visit
