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Today is Global Massage Makes Me Happy Day


Global Massage Makes Me Happy Day aims to inform the public on the healing powers of massage therapy, as well as promote research, global awareness, education, and advocacy.

“The Global Massage Makes Me Happy Day will be a great celebration of the happiness massage brings to millions of people throughout the year and throughout the globe,” says Lynda Solien-Wolfe, founder and chair of the GWI’s Massage Makes Me Happy initiative. “Human beings need positive touch and we are committed to supporting the work of massage therapists and their professional growth. We look forward to the day massage therapy will be fully understood and honored as the powerful healing modality it is.”

Global Massage Makes Me Happy Day will spread global awareness of the positive impacts of massage therapy through educating and sharing the benefits, collecting data and research, and creating systems and structure to help everyone better understand what massage can do them. Follow along on social media using the hashtags #MassageMakesMeHappyDay and #MMMHD.

For more information visit
