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Washington Extends Continuing Education Policy - May 2022 Update


Update September 28, 2022: At the September 23, 2022, board meeting, the Washing Board of Massage voted not to extend the expiration date for Policy number BOM 20-01.6. This means that beginning January 1, 2023, licensees will have to complete eight hours of hands-on continuing education. If you have questions, email

Due to the continuing challenges related to meeting the hands-on continuing education (CE) requirement, the Washington Board of Massage extended the hands-on CE policy's expiration date. Policy number BOM 20-01.5 is effective through June 30, 2022, and will be replaced by Policy number BOM 20-01.6, which will be effective July 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022.

ABMP members have access to 200+ hours of free continuing education in the ABMP Education Center. ABMP Certified members have access to an additional 400 hours of CE through the World Massage Conference library of courses. To help you meet renewal requirements, start learning and earning free CE today at
