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Texas Proposes New Massage Therapy Rules for Practitioners - Comments Due September 19, 2021


Proposed massage therapy rules were published in the Texas Register (page 10) August 20, 2021. One of the rules affects written consent, which ABMP has summarized below. We also explain how you can comment on the proposed rule to make your opinion on the topic heard before the September 19, 2021, deadline.

Consultation document and written consent (117.91)
The proposed rule would require two additional statements to be included on a massage consultation document: one statement that says the licensee may end a session if they feel uncomfortable for any reason, and a second statement that says the licensee will immediately end a session if a client initiates verbal or physical contact that is sexual in nature.

The rules also suggest changes to distance learning, and you can read about the distance learning proposed changes here.

Submit commentary on the proposed rules
You can submit commentary to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) showing your support or opposition to the proposed rules. ABMP has a sample advocacy letter that you can use to help write your comments.
The deadline for commentary is September 19, 2021.

There are three ways to submit your comments on the proposed rules:

  1. Electronically via TDLR’s website
  2. By fax to 512-475-3032
  3. By mail addressed to:
    Monica Nuñez
    Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
    PO Box 12157
    Austin, TX 78711