Michael Hamm, LMP, CCST, is a teacher of anatomy, research literacy, and neurofascial bodywork. He has served on the Massage Therapy Foundation (MTF) Board of Trustees and was the winner of the MTF’s 2005 Student Case Report Contest.
Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at ce@abmp.com.
Shari Auth is a licensed massage therapist and acupuncturist, and is certified in the Rolf method of structural integration and Chinese herbology. She is the founder of the Auth Method and has a DVD, book, and home-study course on forearm massage, as well as a DVD titled Forearm Massage: A Guide To Side-Lying Position. She teaches CE workshops and is an NCBTMB-approved provider. For more information, visit www.authmethod.com.
Karrie Osborn is senior editor at Massage & Bodywork magazine and has been writing about manual and energetic therapies since 1998. Karrie has been involved in the creation of many member benefits at Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals, including ABMP Exam Coach, ABMP Five-Minute Muscles, and ABMP Pocket Pathology. She holds a masters degree in communications and is passionate about the massage and bodywork community she serves. Contact her at karrie@abmp.com.
Lynda McCullough is a Colorado freelance health writer and yoga instructor. Passionate about bodywork and the movement arts, she enjoys teaching and writing about them whenever the opportunity arises.
Las Vegas-based writer JoAnna Haugen has written for more than 50 publications and numerous clients in a variety of industries.
A graduate of the Cortiva Institute, Nicky Hilsen is a practicing licensed massage therapist in Chicago, Illinois. She uses mindfulness and compassion to assist her clients in realizing comfort and healing.
Kathy Gruver, PhD, is author of Body Mind Therapies for the Bodyworker and Other Health Professionals (Infinity Publishing, 2012). She is also a speaker and practitioner with more than two decades of experience. For more information, visit www.thealternativemedicinecabinet.com.
Esther Pearson worked with OneTouch Massage, an online retailer of portable massage tables and equipment, and www.snapagency.com, an online-marketing company that specializes in local search for small businesses.