As a Reiki Master teacher, Heather McCutcheon is helping usher in the Age of Aquarius one class, one client, one session at a time.
Gloria Coppola, LMT and owner of Massage Pro CE, offers classes in self-care and private mentoring for massage therapists. She also provides continuing education in a variety of topics, and was inducted into the Massage Hall of Fame in 2011 for her many contributions to the profession.
Yael Grauer is a freelance writer living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She is the managing editor of Performance Menu: Journal of Health and Athletic Excellence.
Shannon Perez has worked extensively with leading organizations, including the CDC, WebMD, and others. With master’s degrees in health science and business, she has taught college health for a decade while writing and consulting in the industry.
Deborah Lieberman, MA, CPNMT, owns L’Équilibre Massage (in Boulder and Fort Collins, Colorado) and focuses on repetitive strain injuries. As a clarinetist, she directly understands the challenges that face musicians. Lieberman has written and published other articles on alternative and complementary health care.
Martin Misenhimer is the founder of Zen Thai massage school.
Perry Garfinkel is the author of Buddha or Bust: In Search of Truth, Meaning, Happiness and the Man Who Found Them All (now in paperback from Three Rivers Press, 2007. He’s covered the convergence of Eastern and Western health, psychology, and spirituality trends for 30 years.
Camille Hoheb is a freelance writer and spa business consultant based in Los Angeles. Her 16 years of experience ranges from health-care marketing to spa and wellness start-ups.