The "pain detective game" may help you sharpen your palpation assessments and clinical reasoning skills. Use ART (asymmetry, restriction of motion, and tissue texture abnormalities) to more quickly identify how one side of the body moves in relation to the other.
The sternum is a thick, strong bone that protects the heart from the outside world, but the sternum’s strength can also limit, compress, and weigh heavily on the person it belongs to.
To protect the head when falling forward, one massively contracts the posterior muscles of the neck, which could lead to strain or injury in other areas.
There are several potential causes of plantar foot pain, including the most common, plantar fasciitis. Other nerve entrapment syndromes, such as tarsal tunnel syndrome, Morton’s neuroma, and Baxter’s neuropathy, can also cause plantar foot pain.
Massage is unlikely to fix or cure mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), but with care, knowledge, and sensitivity, MTs can create an experience for clients that feels safe and supportive of their wellness goals.
“Each of us has one body that presents us with all the experiences we will ever have in this form; your body is precious and should be cared for with respect and reverence.”
The ABMP Government Relations team is preparing for the 2023 legislative cycle. The team anticipates bills will be introduced regarding the Interstate Massage Therapy Compact (IMpact), licensure attempts in unlicensed states, and some deregulation efforts.
When we angle the palm by supinating or pronating the forearm, we can diminish the size of the palm contact, making it much more specific without being pokey the way thumb and finger pads can be.
MTs do not need a doctor’s permission to massage a client whose health is challenged. Ultimately, it is up to the massage therapist and their client to decide the safest and most effective course of bodywork.