Faces of Bodywork: Ben Brown, LMT

Ben Brown, LMT

Massage & Bodywork: Can you describe your sound healing work and the value of incorporating it into your practice? 

Ben Brown: Music has always been vital to how I work. I use various instruments (tuning forks, singing bowls, gongs, etc.) and recordings to create an acoustic field on and around the body to facilitate space or effect change in the body and mind. Sound can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, induce relaxation, improve sleep quality, regulate breathing, decrease tension, allow for deep work with less effort, support emotional health, and create entrainment opportunities between the client and practitioner. 

"Each of us has one body that presents us with all the experiences we will ever have in this form; your body is precious and should be cared for with respect and reverence."—Ben Brown

M&B: You’ve referenced the quote that it’s not the notes you play, but the space between the notes. How does that relate to your work? 

BB: Bodywork is a craft, and with practice, patience, and devotion, it can become an art form. If the therapist listens to the body, it will tell you what is happening and what needs to happen, much like a sculptor will say the stone speaks the final statue into existence. There are ways to consciously touch the body that open a dialogue of understanding.
