Make an effort to notice the days and weeks that feel good to you and when your schedule doesn’t feel so great so you can make adjustments to suit your needs
After experiencing trauma, a deeper understanding of massage's healing power emerged, with advice for new practitioners to stay persistent and embrace their unique style despite challenges.
A deep understanding of muscle function on the singular level can open your eyes to connections you haven’t seen—connections that can mean the difference between satisfactory or exceptional relief for your clients.
The sternum is a thick, strong bone that protects the heart from the outside world, but the sternum’s strength can also limit, compress, and weigh heavily on the person it belongs to.
The application of opposing techniques within a short time frame brings the recipient into a deeper awareness of self and a greater perception of balance.
The ever-present neural background noise most of us experience but are unaware of can contribute to a continual “threat-like” effect; massage can create a relaxing experience that dials down this noise.
“Each of us has one body that presents us with all the experiences we will ever have in this form; your body is precious and should be cared for with respect and reverence.”
4 Nineteen Education & Training was founded to support professional growth in massage therapy, while the Black Massage Therapists Facebook group and Conference were created to build community and address challenges faced by Black therapists.