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What's Important?



Have you thought recently about what really matters in life? What are the important issues? How about in your practice? What factors are crucial to your success?


Do you focus on what you don’t have, or what you do have? Do you complain about how many clients you wish you had, or strategize about how to get more people into your practice?


About eighteen months ago, I wrote a post called “These Are the Good Times People.” One of my last sentences was, “But we have lots to feel good about in our chosen profession.”


As our Presidential election nears the finish line, we are being bombarded (at least in Colorado) by messages of impending doom and gloom should “the other guy” win. However, last time I checked whatever mess we are in was aided and abetted by both parties. So, we have two opinions circulating: we’re either doomed regardless, or we’ll be fine. I choose to believe the latter.


Same goes for the massage and bodywork profession: we are challenged by a volatile education environment and shaky economy, our teachers need to be better prepared for today’s students, and now Massage Envy—the nation’s largest employer of massage therapists—has been purchased by a company that owns Cinnabon. Saints preserve us!


People, it’s all good. Don't get all caught up on who owns who—the sun will still rise and set, at least for a while. Last time I checked, people still enjoy massage therapy and bodywork. All we need to do—all of us—is continue to provide the work, educate our clients about why it’s important, and encourage them to return to reap the benefits of regular therapy—no matter where you practice, that’s the recipe.


That’s what’s important.


Prefer to receive more from Les in small doses? Follow him on Twitter — @abmp_les.

