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Two Organs



In our field, lots of puns and word plays are used that revolve around hands. I am as guilty of this as anyone else; many of ABMP’s tag lines or slogans or titles or cheers or mantras involve “hands,” or some application/derivation thereof (for instance, our newsletters “Knead to Know” and “Different Strokes”). These labels evolve naturally and are easily identifiable.


I read two blog posts today that remind me that success in this field (and actually, EVERY field) is contingent upon the use of two other pretty important body parts—your brain and your heart. Seth Godin is a renowned marketing/branding/human development guru, and my friend (and world’s greatest massage therapist) Angie Parris-Raney shares his blog posts with me on occasion, surreptitiously coaching me to become better at my job (I’m on to you, Angie, and thank you). A recent post resonates with me because he talks about the service culture Tony Hsieh has developed at Zappos. To me, ABMP is defined by its service ethic. Everything we do is based on serving our member, whether it is telephone performance, new systems, or developing new resources. We are driven to provide value to our members. How about you?


The second post was written by a therapist, Steph Lasch, for the “Women in Bodywork Business” blog, and asks a very simple, fundamental question—“What’s Your Story?” She delivers great insight on how YOU are the most important part of your practice.


The head and the heart. Own your business, and make it yours. These two statements may sound the same, but they are not. Your brain owns your business—build the better mousetrap to help you be successful. Your heart makes it yours—give it everything you have.


Thanks to Angie, Seth, and Steph for these valuable reminders.


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