Featured Videos
Visceral manipulation can re-create, harmonize, and increase proprioceptive communication in the body.
Recognizing different tissue textures and densities upgrades your palpation skills.
Open your shoulders, decompress your spine, improve your posture, and grip strength while you're hanging around.
Rachelle Clauson and Nicole Trembley discuss retinacula cutis.
The Spirit™ represents Earthlite’s top of the line portable massage table. Precision crafted using Earthlite’s proprietary Jointless™ formed beam technology and the finest, eco-friendly materials available. Clients will love the luxurious Pro-Plush™ deluxe cushioning system and buttery Comfort-Flex™ upholstery.
Available in table only or as a value package with a Flex-Rest or Caress Face Cradle and with several custom options like upholstery, colors, width, double knobs, face holes, low height etc.