Liz Koch is an international teacher and author with 42 years of experience, focusing on kinesthetic inteligence and somatic awareness for developing human potential. The creator of Core Awareness, Koch is dedicated to educating both laypersons and professionals about the core psoas. She is the author of The Psoas Book and is an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. Learn more at
Anita Smith specializes in neuromuscular massage therapy (NMT) and works with people in chronic pain. She also teaches NMT to future LMTs. She lives in Belgrade, Maine, where she and her husband farm elderberries.
Allissa Haines and Michael Reynolds are co-founders of, a member-based community designed to help you attract more clients, make more money, and improve your quality of life.
Rachelle L. Clauson is a nationally board certified massage therapist and a longtime proud member of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals. She has owned and operated her massage therapy private practice, Flourish Bodywork, in San Diego, California, for 15 years and is the social media coordinator and volunteer team member of the Fascial Net Plastination Project ( She is a founding member of the Fascia Research Society, a certified Yamuna Body Rolling Practitioner, a MELT Method hand and foot instructor, and is passionate about bringing fascial anatomy education to bodyworkers and movement educators.
In 1980, Harold Dull started creating and teaching Watsu in the warm pool at Harbin Hot Springs. Today, there are 100 Watsu instructors around the world teaching the work that he and the water community developed. He served on the Board of the Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association and maintained its registry at In an effort to touch more people, Dull developed the Watsu Round where even more people could participate in smaller pools, and he encouraged Watsup practitioners to add this to their offerings. His hope was that others recognize the potential in offering this healing paradigm in a community setting. Dull died on July 31, 2019, at his home in Berkley, California.For more information, visit
Nikki Campanale is a yoga instructor and massage therapist at Elements Massage in Marlborough, Massachusetts.
Kirsten Wiley studied massage therapy originally in Vermont, then traveled to Beijing twice for studies in tui na. Inspired by Tracy Walton, Wiley studied oncology massage therapy (OMT) in Boston and has been providing OMT for the University of Vermont Medical Center since 2011. Wiley and her assistants also work with students at the university while maintaining a private practice in South Burlington, Vermont.