Palliative care is an added layer of support for people living with chronic or serious illness. It enhances people’s care by offering quality of life for them and their family. And your touch can make a difference in all their lives.
The beauty of applying the hill and valley approach to palpation of the hip flexor musculature is that the hip flexor muscles form an alternating contour of hill, valley, hill, valley, etc.
The benefits massage therapy has to offer this population are substantial: Our work may help with pain, fatigue, muscle cramping, sleep quality, and much more.
Whether it’s pressure-filled moments during our first years as practicing bodyworkers or the question of how much pressure a client wants during a session, gaining perspective is a handy tool.
Legislatures across the country are returning to work in January—here's updated info about legislature focus to stop human trafficking as it's related to massage.
Make an effort to notice the days and weeks that feel good to you and when your schedule doesn’t feel so great so you can make adjustments to suit your needs