2022, Issue 6: Massage & Bodywork Magazine November-December 2022

Magazine Authors

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Massage & Bodywork magazine promotes professionalism among practitioners and stimulates healthy dialogue about the field, while remaining mindful of the breadth of bodywork backgrounds, beliefs, and modalities. In this issue, consider the appropriate practices to use to help clients who have fibromyalgia, learn tips for using your feet more effectively in your work, explore the importance of boundary setting with inappropriate clients, and learn more about muscle motor points and their relationship to tonic acupressure points. This issue also includes information on the fibularis longus and serratus anterior, the importance of having disability insurance, how to practice decompression breathing, supportive self-care movements you can do between sessions, and techniques to ease the sacroiliac joints.

The November/December 2022 issue of Massage & Bodywork magazine features contributions from various authors including Laura Allen, Ben Benjamin, Christy Cael, Cal Cates, Erik Dalton, Allison Denney, Allissa Haines, David Lobenstine, Whitney Lowe, Til Luchau, Douglas Nelson, Heath and Nicole Reed, Michael Reynolds, Mary Kathleen Rose, Marisa Savino, Ruth Werner, and Cindy Williams.

2022, Issue 6: Massage & Bodywork Magazine November-December 2022

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