ABMP's Website Builder

Have you loved your website today?


Your website is the business partner you didn’t even know you had. It’s a gateway to prospective clients and a lifeline to current clients. It’s your online business card. And it really does need frequent attention from you. In fact, website experts say to remain relevant for your clients (and for the search engines that get them to you), you should evaluate your content every 30–90 days. Consider writing a blog for your website, updating home page images, or adding new, pertinent links as ways to freshen your site. At the very least, use your website to direct people to your frequently updated social media channels.

Build It and They Will Come
To encourage ABMP members to see for themselves how easy it is to build
a professional website (or give their current site an update), throughout October we sponsored the ABMP Website Builder Contest. The contest is over (see the winners below), but you can still build your own free website, courtesy of ABMP. Log in to www.abmp.com and find step-by-step directions, as well as a video tutorial, in the Marketing Center.

Don’t have a website yet? Did you know that more than 50% of consumers searching for a massage therapist look online? Don’t be overlooked just because potential clients don’t know where to find you! Membership with ABMP includes a free website and all the tools, tutorials, and content you’ll need
to build it.