Massage therapists have a lot of heart . . . hence the name of this column! We have the desire to help people and earn a living doing something we love. Sometimes, however, our love for what we do and our need to feel like we’re being compassionate and helpful leads us down the wrong path.

In October 2024, Hurricane Helene devastated much of western North Carolina, where I live, and a few days later, Hurricane Milton and at least nine accompanying tornadoes wreaked havoc in Florida. Thousands of people lost their homes and/or businesses. Millions were left without power, internet, and cell phone signals. First responders, rescue and recovery workers, and utility employees worked around the clock. Volunteers tried to get basic supplies like food and water to those affected. Here’s where massage therapists come in . . . or tried to.
I saw numerous massage therapists on social media saying they wanted to go to disaster areas to volunteer massage services. Most didn’t have a plan; in their eagerness to help, they were ready to pack up the massage table or chair and go. I saw one post by a therapist from New England who said, “I intend to go to the North Carolina mountains next weekend to volunteer massage, who’s with me?” Quite a few volunteered immediately. Others who were thinking more rationally started pointing out that you can’t just appear in a disaster area unannounced and set up camp.
Early in my massage career, I was a member of the Massage Emergency Response Team (MERT). The training for that was my first continuing education class as a newly licensed therapist. It was made clear to team members that you can’t just show up with a massage chair and good intentions. A good intention like that has to be coordinated with emergency management agencies. MERT no longer exists and has been replaced with community outreach teams or community service massage teams in some states, but they have the same protocols of coordinating massage presence with official emergency management agencies.
When you show up without permission, you may be in for a rude awakening, if you even manage to get to a disaster area. In the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee after Hurricane Helene, towns, buildings, roads, and bridges were washed away. Mudslides and downed trees made hundreds of roads impassable, and areas were cut off from rescue teams unless they came by helicopter or mule. Hotels and emergency shelters were full. The water supply was interrupted. Stores and restaurants were closed. Gas lines were long, and many gas stations had no electricity or ran out of gas. It will take a long time to recover.
For those of us affected, we truly appreciate the assistance from government agencies and donations from generous groups and individuals from all across the country. We appreciate the good intentions of the therapists who want to help others in their time of need. But remember, when you want to help, there is a correct way to go about it. Please, don’t just throw your massage table in the car and head to a disaster area.