Featured Videos

  • Stroke Across the Spectrum

    Ruth Werner chats with massage therapists who have experience working with clients who have had a stroke.

  • Compassionate Touch

    Heath and Nicole Reed demonstrate how to practice compassionate touch and breathwork, which can improve mental, physical, and emotional health.

  • The Lats and Their Little Helper: A Bodywork Tutorial

    The Lats may be a shoulder muscle, but there are a whole lot of roots in the low back. Get to know the lats a little better - and the Teres Major - which make for a very funny looking flower.

  • Thoracolumbar Fascia: Low-Back Pain and Jelly

    Rachelle Clauson and Nicole Trombley discuss how loose connective tissue, rich in water-loving hyaluronan, might play a key role in low-back pain.