Video Course: Seats in Seats-From First Meeting to First Day of Classes

Cindy Williams

This course was originally presented at the 2016 ABMP School Forums. Well done! You’ve attracted their interest. Now, how do you get students through the front door for a first admissions meeting, enrolled, prepared for the challenge of classes, and seated in class on the first day of school? Use this step-by-step process to turn leads into excited students.

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Cindy Williams

Cindy Williams has been immersed in the massage and bodywork profession since 2000 as a practitioner, school administrator, instructor, curriculum developer, and mentor. She has experienced the challenge and triumph of creatively motivating artful students to embrace science and structure. Her administrative experience allows her to understand the needs of school owners, directors, and instructors. She is a freelance content writer and educational consultant, in addition to maintaining a part-time massage and bodywork practice. Contact her at

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