Video Course: Introduction to Fascial Manipulation

Larry Steinbeck

Fascial Manipulation is a manual therapy method that was developed by Luigi Stecco, an Italian researcher and physiotherapist. It focuses on the fascia, in particular the deep muscular fascia, including the epimysium and the retinacula, and it examines the myofascial system as a three-dimensional continuum. You’ll walk away from this presentation with a biomechanical model that will assist you in determining the role of fascia in the musculoskeletal disorders you see in your clients. You’ll not only have a better understanding of the fascia's role in musculoskeletal pain, but will discover the clinical implications that will direct your hands-on work.

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Larry Steinbeck
Larry Steinbeck, PT, graduated in 1985 from the physical therapy program at Ball State University with an associated minor in athletic training. He received a masters of science degree in physical education/athletic training from Ohio University in 1986. Steinbeck is an instructor for the Fascial Manipulation Association out of Arzignano (VI), Italy. He is a physical therapist with the Atlanta Falcons Physical Therapy Centers in Jasper, Georgia, a public outpatient physical therapy facility, and also teaches courses on Fascial Manipulation developed by Luigi Stecco, PT. He received his certification in trigger point dry needling through Myopain Seminars and has completed numerous other postgraduate training, primarily through the osteopathic schools of thought. Learn more at
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