Video Course: Body, Mind, and Business: The Psychology of a Full Practice

Til Luchau

Do you have the practice you want? The right number of clients? The ones you most want to work with? When and where you choose? If you can say yes to all these things, you’re the rare bird who’s managed to balance the inner and outer factors involved in a successful practice. If you’re like most of us, though, the balancing act usually has room for improvement. Til Luchau leads participants through a process of assessment, reflection, insight, out-of-the box thinking, and planning that will give you practical ways to nurture the practice you want.

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Til Luchau
Til Luchau is a World Massage Conference favorite for his stunning audiovisuals, crystal-clear instructions, and effective research-informed techniques. Luchau writes Massage & Bodywork magazine's The Somatic Edge column, and is the author of the bestselling Advanced Myofascial Techniques textbooks and DVD series. He is a certified advanced Rolfer and lead instructor at, which offers distance learning and in-person seminars throughout the United States and abroad. Learn more at
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