2023, Issue 1: Massage & Bodywork Magazine January-February 2023

Magazine Authors

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Massage & Bodywork magazine promotes professionalism among practitioners and stimulates healthy dialogue about the field, while remaining mindful of the breadth of bodywork backgrounds, beliefs, and modalities. In this issue, explore the challenges and rewards of working with clients who have Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, learn which essential oils are appropriate for an elderly clientele, consider all the ways MTs can use their palms during session work with clients, and learn the reasons why getting a doctor’s note for the work you do is not the safety net you think it is. This issue also includes information on reducing potential client harm by improving your communication skills, becoming a better “pain detective,” learning how to pay yourself first, working with idiopathic mast cell activation, understanding the importance of skin ligaments, and exploring plantar foot pain.

The January-February 2023 issue of Massage & Bodywork magazine features contributions from various authors including Laura Allen, Cal Cates, Rachelle Clauson, Erik Dalton, Allison Denney, Allissa Haines, David Lesondak, Whitney Lowe, Til Luchau, Joe Muscolino, Douglas Nelson, Karrie Osborn, Heath and Nicole Reed, Michael Reynolds, Nicole Trombley, Ruth Werner, Anne Williams, and Cindy Williams.

2023, Issue 1: Massage & Bodywork Magazine January-February 2023

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