subject Massage Theory

topic History of Massage


Terminology List

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"Ebers Papyrus"

An ancient document dating to 1550 BCE that contains around 700 formulae and remedies that demonstrate Egypt's advanced understanding of anatomy and pathology.

"Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine"

An important early text on Chinese medicine believed to originate as early as 1000 BCE, which provides the philosophical foundation on which Chinese traditional medicine is founded.


The Sanskrit word for oil massage in the ayurvedic medical system of India.

Health-care-oriented massage

A massage provided to address chronic soft-tissue holding patterns, soft-tissue injury, or chronic pain. It also refers to massage provided in medical settings to provide comfort, therapeutic change, or condition management under the supervision of a physician.


An early Greek physician (460–377 BCE), widely regarded as the "father of Western medicine," because he based his practice on observation, extensive study of anatomy, and rational explanations of symptoms and underlying causes.

Holistic health care

A system of medicine that seeks to address the needs of the whole person, not just symptoms or diseases.

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