Take Extra Care

Young Black woman with her eyes closed taking a deep breath.

By Karrie Osborn

Each time we experience a national tragedy, each time we share a collective pain, the treatment rooms of massage therapists and bodyworkers become even more of a sacred space. In the quiet confines of these healing environments, the client feels momentarily safe. They are able to let their guard down, and they feel the comfort of another in the exchange of healthy, therapeutic touch. In this space, they become vulnerable in the act of letting another touch their pain, both literally and figuratively.

Remembering you may not know all that your client brings to the table is both essential and humbling.

As trauma flows freely through the undercurrent of our national discourse, it is also interwoven with the impact of events like Uvalde . . . and Sandy Hook, and Columbine. That is layered between the raw emotion collectively experienced as we’ve fought a global pandemic the last two years. And then, there is the deluge of uncertainty upon uncertainty. So many feel they are hanging on by the edge.

Your training gave you the tools to navigate these waters—when emotions are high, when stress is community-wide, and when tears flow with but the slightest trigger. But we encourage therapists to take an extra minute or two to ground yourself today, this week, this month. Take a moment to think through the verbal responses you can offer a client who might have an emotional release during your session together in the aftermath of this latest national tragedy. And above all else, find ways to feed your spirit well. You must have your own footing before you can safely bring comfort to those on your table.

Your clients may not show it, but they bring with them their own personal histories and their own personal pains. Some are more impacted by the tragedies of the world than others. Be solid and safe for them all equally. Bring intention and compassion into every session and remember your own self-care in the process.

Related Content

Grounding and Centering

• “Heal with Your Presence”—a Massage & Bodywork article by Heath and Nicole Reed


• ABMP members can log in to their account for access to a variety of self-care content:


Massage & Bodywork self-care issue:


• ABMP’s Meditate and Move—a series of guided videos to help MTs and bodyworkers find moments of reprieve and renewal:



• “Touching Trauma”—ABMP members can log in to take this 1-hour CE course for free:


• “Body-Mind Considerations for Hands-On Work”—ABMP members can log in to take this 1-hour CE course for free:




Alabama Board in Jeopardy of Dissolution

Without your support, the Alabama massage therapy profession is in danger of losing its regulatory board, which could result in inconsistent regulation or none at all. Call Governor Key Ivey to encourage the passage of Senate Bill 137 to protect massage regulation.

Georgia Bill Updates Human Trafficking Laws

Senate Bill 370 was enacted in late April to help prevent human trafficking at businesses and implement license display obligations. See how your business is affected.

West Virginia Bill Impacts Massage Establishments

Senate Bill 786 impacts massage establishment licensing, emergency suspension orders, and inspections. ABMP details how the bill may affect you and your business in this legislative web post.



Featured ABMP Discount Partner: Milady

Raise awareness of domestic abuse, human trafficking, and practical infection control by getting certified in Client Well-Being & Safety through this Milady course.

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