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Massage is for EveryBody Week


Massage is not meant to be a luxury for just a lucky few - massage is for EveryBody. For 25+ years, Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP) has focused on diversity and inclusion during our annual Massage Is for EveryBody Week, and throughout the year. This year, ABMP would like to invite you to join us by bringing the benefits of massage to all communities.

ABMP encourages you to look for opportunities to partner with others in your community to share the benefits of massage and bodywork with those who need it most. Volunteer, donate, raise money, start a campaign, or find your own creative way to give. Use this week to celebrate the impact of your work and the difference you make in the world.


ABMP is awarding $1,000 to 10 practitioners who live and practice the guiding principles of Massage Is for EveryBody (see below). Submit your story by August 15, 2024, telling us how you support and celebrate this yearlong initiative.Submit a video (up to 2 minutes) or a written entry (300 words or less).

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Because Massage Is for EveryBody, we will:

  • Serve as advocates for the physical and emotional benefits of massage and bodywork.
  • Advocate for efforts that bring massage and bodywork to underserved populations.
  • Spread awareness of massage and bodywork career options.
  • Honor the healing role practitioners play in our communities.
  • Emphasize the importance of regular self-care for massage therapists, bodyworkers, and their clients.