Video Course: Releasing Restrictions in the Thoracic Spine with Precision NMT

Douglas Nelson

While much of the attention with regard to back pain is focused on the lumbar spine, thoracic restrictions are common and often overlooked. Restrictions in the musculature of the thoracic spine may present as local pain, but they are just as likely to be an overlooked cause of lumbar or cervical discomfort. Many of the problems in the thoracic spine are readily affected by targeted soft-tissue approaches.

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Douglas Nelson
Douglas Nelson has been practicing massage therapy since 1977, with a focus on Precision Neuromuscular Therapy. He is the founder of NMT MidWest, teaching Precision Neuromuscular Therapy both in the US and abroad. Nelson is the author of two book: Table Lessons: Insights in the Practice of Massage Therapy and The Mystery of Pain. He is also a regular columnist for Massage & Bodywork magazine and president of the Massage Therapy Foundation. Nelson is heavily involved in research endeavors and doing clinical research in soft-tissue problems. Learn more at
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